[Vtigercrm-developers] How to speed up the access speed of vtiger CRM

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Thu May 14 16:11:09 GMT 2015

There are a few improvements that can be made to the cache within vtiger 
that stores the result of converting strings to HTML, that is the main 
cost of rendering a page. Next thing to do is to aggressively optimise 
the database by using the mysql slow query log to show unindexed queries 
and creating indexes to get rid of all slow queries.
The other thing to do which is a quick win is to turn on compression on 
the web server with mod_deflate or the google page speed plugin. You can 
also use a PHP opcode cache or, if you are feeling adventurous the hhvm 
PHP just in time compiled virtual machine.
I looked at memcache and it didn't really help, it only optimises stuff 
that is already fast.


On 14/05/15 16:46, sunny wrote:
> Many people find the speed of opening the  web page of the vtiger CRM  
> slower.
> I read the source code which include the cache,but I find open the 
> list view may take 7s if data  become more bigger.
> I am not family with the php and mysql ,I search that the cache 
> technology have redis or memcached.but I dont know which will take 
> effect if not.
> Maybe someone give some advice,thanks for great.
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