[Vtigercrm-developers] Programatically create roles from profiles - A Better Explanation of Our Needs!

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri May 1 06:32:31 GMT 2015

 From what you describe it sounds like the only reason you don't want to 
run independent vtiger instances for each agency is for reporting...

You _might_ want think about using some of kind of BI platform to handle 
the top level reporting across multiple vtiger databases rather than 
trying to manage what could end up being a huge User Access Control 

You and your customers will also need to have exceptionally strong 
belief in the administration team and vtiger's code to not let data 
"leak" between agencies either because of a bug or a minor misconfiguration.

Also, in your plan you will have one instance of vtiger and one MySQL 
database. If either part breaks *every* agency cannot work.

Personally - I would look at solving to top level reporting problem 
rather than trying to make vtiger with like a multi-tennant solution...

Or you could ask the vtiger team if they will sell you a copy of their 
On-Demand platform ;-)



On 01/05/15 02:42, Hamono, Chris (DPC) wrote:
> In a nutshell:
> System admin needs to be able to report across all agencies
> Agency roles cannot access information from another agency
> Agency Managers can create users and assign roles to that user
> Roles within an agency have full access to tickets,
> which means create edit and delete.
> Roles within an agency must be able to raise invoices.

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