[Vtigercrm-developers] Markeplace big issues

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Fri Mar 20 12:13:53 GMT 2015

if it is "your" extension then it acts like you already bought it, so 
there is no payment phase, it is more like a reinstall. Try something 
like keyboard junkie (which is mine and only a few dollars, intended to 
be cheap for testing paid extensions) you should be able to cancel the 


On 20/03/15 11:54, IT-Solutions4You wrote:
> Hi,
> We are one of vtiger CRM Open Source extenions developers and I have 
> found some "interesting" bug in vtiger Marketplace. I have buy my 
> extenion for testing to see how the sales proces wors and I was shocked.
> 1) After click on Buy button, there is no confirmation page(step) but 
> the installation process start immediately. What if I clik unwillingly 
> (such scrolling page) on some Buy icon with the mouse ? There is no 
> way to Cancel it.
> 2) Second, but more worse bug, is that I have the extension installed 
> but I don't see any Paymnet in my account that I have sold my 
> extenion. So there is a big, very big issue and the customer can have 
> install all extensions form Marketplace for free.
> Sorry to say, but your Marketplace is not right place for vtiger CRM 
> to offer extenions. You "play" with valiadion process of extensions 
> many days instead of focus on your own Marketplace code.
> Matus
> IT-Solutions4You
> www.its4you.sk/en
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