[Vtigercrm-developers] vtlib adding a picklist field

Kevin Alderton lists.k.j.alderton at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 08:59:09 GMT 2015


I am having trouble with vtlib and vtiger 6.3.

I am trying to add a picklist field in the Leads module.

All is well except no values are stored in the database nor table 
inserted.  Having tried three new instances of vtiger I am now wondering 
if there has been an alteration in vtlib for 6.x.  It maybe something 
that I am missing.  Has anyone had anything similar?

My code is:



    $module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Leads');

    $blockInstance =  new vtiger_block();

    $blockInstance->label = 'LBL_TEST_PICKLIST';
    $module ->addBlock($blockInstance);

    $fieldInstance = new Vtiger_Field();
    $fieldInstance->name = 'test_picklist_field ';
    $fieldInstance->label = 'Test Picklist Field';
    $fieldInstance->column = 'test_picklist_field';
    $fieldInstance->columntype = 'VARCHAR(50)';
    $fieldInstance-> table =  $module->basetable;
    $fieldInstance->uitype = 16;
    $fieldInstance->typeofdata = 'V~O';
    echo "Added field <br />";
    $fieldInstance->setPicklistValues( Array ('Value1', 'Value2') );


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