[Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger Class Loader?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 13:25:06 GMT 2015

On 16/07/15 05:42, Hamono, Chris (DPC) wrote:
> This is the hackiest hack I have ever done... and I have done a few
> The problem: *Replace a core class with my own custom class at runtime*
> The Solution (not overly tested) …
> Change /index.php and add the following after the last include statement

Now here's a possibility....

Create a small jQuery Class for your custom module that gets loaded as a 
HEADERSCRIPT so it will run on all pages.

In this Javascript call, via Ajax, an action in your custom module that 
registers your Autoloader.

Would that work - or would it be too late?

But anyway - as the others have suggested, it seems to me that the real 
way to support core class overrides would to suppoort a "custom" 
directory at the top level where the entire hierarchy can be replicated 
(modules, includes, layouts) and get vtiger to look in there first.


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