[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger_entityfield.fieldname [WAS Re: Don't Change the entityfield for Users... [WAS Re: BUG: UI10 with more than 1 target breaking filters...?}]

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 19:00:31 GMT 2015

Dear vtiger developers,

I've just come across another issue relating to use of the fieldname 
column in vtiger_entityfield.

As we discussed in this thread a little while ago, vtiger makes some 
assumptions about this field in two ways. Both are wrong assumptions to 
make in my opinion and can be rectified.

Assumption 1. The Users module entity fieldname will *always* be 
first_name, last_name. (We change this for several clients).

Assumption 2. There will *never* be more than two field names used the 
vtiger_entityname.fieldname value. Although list views and UI10 field 
displays work with 3 or *4* fieldname values (which we have used more 
than once), the search/query generator code is broken so that you can't 
search on anything but the first two fieldname values.

If you go back through this thread you will see that there is a fairly 
simple fix to both problems. (Although the functions are all over the 

I would like to suggest this goes into 6.4.0.


On 02/06/15 11:41, Mariusz Krzaczkowski wrote:
> Thanks Alan for your fix, I'm sure it will be useful, I have already
> added it to the system
> ---
> Z poważaniem / Regards
> *Mariusz Krzaczkowski*
> /Director of Product Development/
> M: +48 884-998-123
> E: m.krzaczkowski at yetiforce.com
> <mailto:m.krzaczkowski at yetiforce.com>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> W dniu 2015-06-02 11:42, Alan Lord napisał(a):
>> On 01/⁠06/⁠15 16:47, Mariusz Krzaczkowski wrote:
>>> Alan had a good idea, suggested on your idea and I corrected it. see:
>>> https://github.com/YetiForceCompany/YetiForceCRM/blob/master/include/QueryGenerator/QueryGenerator.php#L721
>> Thanks for the cluebat :-⁠)
>> I have also fixed the bit just below it so that if you want to filter
>> a column and the Users Module's entityfield is _not_ set to
>> first_name,last_name works too (it's around line 744):
>>> } elseif (in_array($fieldName, $this-⁠>ownerFields)) {
>>>     if($fieldName == 'created_user_id'){
>>>           $concatSql = getSqlForNameInDisplayFormat(array('first_name'=>"vtiger_users$fieldName.first_name",'last_name'=>"vtiger_users$fieldName.last_name"), 'Users');
>>>           $fieldSql .= "$fieldGlue (trim($concatSql) $valueSql)";
>>>       }else{
>>>           $entityFields = Vtiger_Functions::getEntityModuleInfoFieldsFormatted('Users');
>>>           if(count($entityFields['fieldname']) > 1) {
>>>               $columns = array();
>>>               foreach($entityFields['fieldname'] as $i => $fieldname) {
>>>                   $columns[$fieldname] = $entityFields['tablename'] . '.' . $fieldname;
>>>               }
>>>             $concatSql = getSqlForNameInDisplayFormat($columns, 'Users');
>>>             $fieldSql .= "$fieldGlue (trim($concatSql) $valueSql OR "."vtiger_groups.groupname $valueSql)";
>>>         } else {
>>>             $columnSql = $entityFields['tablename'] . '.' . $entityFields['fieldname'];
>>>             $fieldSql .= "$fieldGlue (trim($columnSql) $valueSql OR "."vtiger_groups.groupname $valueSql)";
>>>         }
>>> }
>> Cheers
>> Al
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