[Vtigercrm-developers] Licensing Discussion [Was: Re: [NEW!] [RELEASED!] VTIGER 6.X THEME - MOBILE OPTIMIZED - by MYC!!!]

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Thu Jul 2 08:41:10 GMT 2015

On 02/07/15 06:14, Sreenivas Kanumuru wrote:
> We have taken care to ensure there is no GPL code in Vtiger. Alan Bell 
> mentioned that one of the fonts in TCPDF library that is distributed 
> with Vtiger is having GPL license. We will review and remove it from 
> distribution.
looks like it is three fonts, FreeSans, FreeSerif and FreeMono, 
basically libraries/tcpdf/fonts/{F|f}ree*
There are other fonts that would be distributable, fonts under any 
licenses could also be distributed as addon modules, in that way they 
are not being distributed as a component part of the combined work that 
is vtiger.


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