[Vtigercrm-developers] Problems with workflow 6.2

Christophe Humbert chrissc.humbert at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 08:17:09 GMT 2015

Hello Alan,

I wish I can launch the .sh file but I can't ...

Christophe Humbert

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 10:04 AM, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 01/07/15 08:30, Christophe Humbert wrote:
>> Hello Guys
>> until now I was using a webcron to launch vtigercron.php but I would
>> like ti use the cron of my shared hosting (no access to shell) and when
>> I am launching the vtigercron.php through the cron I have the following
>> : error reading from the headers  anyone an idea
> I would try and use the shell helper script rather than run php directly.
> So your cron entry looks like:
>  */15 * * * * sh /path/to/vtiger/cron/vtigercron.sh
> <rant>
> Shared hosts are a complete PITA.
> Some shared hosts limit the version of the PHP cli your cron can access.
> Another thing we found with our GeoTools module on shared hosts can be
> that the cron jobs are limited to some arbitrary time and they can be
> terminated by the shared hosting engine (CPanel, Plesk or whatever) so be
> aware that if you have a long job (like an import or loads of
> emails/workflows) then the script might get killed prematurely.
> </rant>
> Al
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