[Vtigercrm-developers] Handle product with different serial number

Stacey Johnson stacey.johnson110 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 31 06:21:40 GMT 2015

What about assets module?


On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Lajeesh <lajeeshk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to discuss a scenario with you and hear from you.
> For example we have a product iPhone 5s to sell. There will be 100s of
> iPhone 5s. We need to track the sale of each product with barcode or serial
> no. We need to know which customer own which product.  Also we need to know
> quantity in stock.
>     we can do it in 2 ways . One is  single record for iPhone 5s and
> quantity in stock as 100. In this method we have the trac of quantity but
> cannot trac barcode or serial no.
>    second method is to create record for each single piece of product.
> Thus we can track product with barcode.
>    Also we will be giving/ assigning product to sales person
> Please suggest me a way to handle this situation
> Regards
> Lajeesh
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