[Vtigercrm-developers] Readonly fields at record-level?

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 16:41:44 GMT 2015

On 21/01/15 14:42, Prasad wrote:
> This is a bit more complicated - as it needs to be handled with
> Webservices too.

Hah - actually in this particular case it doesn't!

The Account records that are to have fields made read only will be 
effectively a "slave" to an authoritative other system in the customer's 
network (like and accounting/erp system) that might subsequently update 
any of these particular fields via the webservices API. The only place, 
for example the Account's Company number may subsequently be changed is 
from the other system, not vtiger. They are separate sets of users.

So, is there any way I can access the current Record object from the 
Field object directly? Or do I have pass information through the three 
classes already mentioned?



Libertus Solutions

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