[Vtigercrm-developers] Folder permissions to installation

IT-Solutions4You info at its4you.sk
Thu Aug 27 10:08:34 GMT 2015

We use it this way:
Assuming the path is /var/www/vtigercrm

chown -R root:www-data vtigercrm
cd vtigercrm

find -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

chmod 775 backup/
chmod 775 cache/
chmod 775 cache/images/
chmod 775 cache/import/
chmod 775 cron/modules/
chmod 775 cron/language/
chmod 775 install/
chmod -R 775 languages/
chmod -R 775 layouts/vlayout/modules/
chmod 775 logs/
chmod -R 775 modules/
chmod 775 storage/
chmod -R 775 test/
chmod 775 test/contact/
chmod 775 test/logo/
chmod 775 test/product/
chmod 775 test/templates_c/vlayout
chmod 775 test/upload/
chmod 775 test/user/
chmod 775 test/vtlib/
chmod 775 test/vtlib/HTML/
chmod 775 test/wordtemplatedownload/
chmod 775 user_privileges/

find -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

chmod 664 config.inc.php
chmod 664 install.php
chmod 664 parent_tabdata.php
chmod 664 tabdata.php
chmod 664 user_privileges/audit_trail.php
chmod 664 user_privileges/default_module_view.php
chmod 664 user_privileges/enable_backup.php

in 775 directory create .htaccess
<Files *.php>
deny from all


Dňa 27. 7. 2015 o 9:04 Alan Lord napísal(a):
> On 25/07/15 10:38, cryptic wrote:
>> Assuming the path is /var/www/vtigercrm
>> sudo chown -R www-data:www-data vtigercrm
> This assumes that nginx running as the user and group "www-data" which
> in my experience is generally a debian-based system's name. I think
> nginx on CentOS will be different.
>> sudo chmod  -R 775 /var/www/vtigercrm
> This is not the best idea... There are *no* files in vtiger that _need_
> to be executable. You've just made everything executable by owner and
> group...
> Al
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