[Vtigercrm-developers] assigned to filtering in list view - not working? (solved)

Richard Hills - Technologywise richard at tw.co.nz
Tue Sep 23 23:40:20 GMT 2014

6.1 never reported success, however seems to have completed and rather 
quickly at that.

First look seems to suggest everything is working fine (I can edit 
users!). The assigned to field is also working correctly so I guess this 
entirely thread can be blamed on a failed migration.

Thanks again to everyone who has given input on this.

On 24/09/14 11:17, Richard Hills - Technologywise wrote:
> Just some feedback on your workaround, I've just completed a 5.4 -> 
> 6.0 upgrade using this method and it completed in minutes (I had given 
> it over 10 hours in the past and it never actually reported completion 
> though it had clearly stopped for whatever reason).
> Now running the 6.1 upgrade and interested to see how long that will 
> take to complete.
> Thank you!
> On 23/09/14 19:51, Alan Lord wrote:
>> On 23/09/14 04:12, Richard Hills - Technologywise wrote:
>>> public static function getDayStartsPicklistValues($stucturedValues){
>>>                 $hour_format =
>>> $fieldModel['hour_format']->getPicklistValues();
>>>                 $start_hour =
>>> $fieldModel['start_hour']->getPicklistValues();
>> I had the problem during early testing of migrations.
>> I can't quite recall what it was caused by but I think it was 
>> something to do with the Calendar and some vtiger tables not being 
>> created for the user settings to do with default event types and such 
>> like:
>>> vtiger_calendar_default_activitytypes
>>> vtiger_calendar_default_activitytypes_seq
>>> vtiger_calendar_user_activitytypes
>>> vtiger_calendar_user_activitytypes_seq
>> These were absent from my migrated database.
>> It suggests to me that your migration died before it had completely 
>> finished.
>> If you have a very large database, there is a routine in the 5.4.0 -> 
>> 6.0.0 migration that creates the new "label" content in the crmentity 
>> table. It takes *ages* to run (I mean like 10 hours on ~250k records)...
>> We worked around this by adding the label column to the crmentity 
>> table and populating all rows with a "-" *before* running the 5.4.0 
>> -> 6.0.0 migration script so this step was then bypassed. Then I 
>> wrote query to do it much quicker (in about 3 minutes) which I ran 
>> after the migration had completed:
>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8408993/
>> This is not perfect and is almost certainly *not* the best way to do 
>> it but it was much, much quicker :-)
>> HTH
>> Al
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Richard Hills
TechnologyWise Ltd, Tauranga, NZ
richard at tw.co.nz
ph: +64 (0)7 571 1060
fax: +64 (0)7 571 1061

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