[Vtigercrm-developers] extension store

MAGGI Conrado comaggi at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 12:33:36 GMT 2014


Regarding the extensions pricing I think that need to be closer to a
premium plug in or theme. That is between 70+ and 100 USD for a simple
module and 200+ for a more complex module or niche solution. I have
submitted 3 modules so far (All in revision), anything less than that would
no cover the development and support cost.

About using the extensions as a marketing platform, if you price your
extension at 30USD is going to be really hard to charge what you expect for
a development. If you sell cheap extension, you reach people that wont
accept your quotes because of the pricing.

I think the extension store is vtiger opportunity to level UP their open
source version.

You should check https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/ for examples of sugarcrm
extensions and specially their pricing. (Nothing for less than 190USD)


On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 1:48 PM, Alan Bell <alan.bell at libertus.co.uk> wrote:

>  On 23/09/14 11:58, Zebra Hosting wrote:
> We are also planning modules for the extension store but still working on
> it, first one will be JoomBridge, connecting (multiple) Joomla websites /
> users with vTiger contacts with two way sync. We use it for our customer
> service to reset passwords and user levels from within vTiger for Joomla
> website where the shop and content lives.
> Probably extended with Hikashop and Acymaling modules to also see that
> data in vTiger. (The extended NAW data from Hikashop is than merged in the
> user contacts).
>  JoomBridge is running fine for a while with websites that contain more
> than 1000 users. We had to wait for a final vTiger because things kept
> changing till the last version. Guess that counts for more people.
>  those sound cool.
> I have plans that include:
> integrate a full text search engine (lucene/sphinx or possibly elastic
> search or something else) that indexes everything including attached files.
> add together.js functionality integrated so it automatically knows your
> username and so on
> do something to better expose the data from modtracker, so you can see who
> changed what when on an entity. Perhaps a bit like an etherpad timeline
> view.
> and some other plans. Some might be free, some might be cheap, some might
> be a bit more. All will be "Free Software" and sticking a price on things
> and hoping that people will pay it is entirely consistent with the free
> software foundation principals. http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/selling.html
>   The extension store could be a succes if prices are a but in line with
> ‘reasonable’ levels. Overpricing will make it fail. (But that’s another
> difficult discussion)
> it is a useful discussion. What is reasonable pricing? What do we compare
> it to?
> We don't have any clue at the moment what the volume levels might be, but
> I am fairly confident that there are more smartphone users than vtiger
> installations, so it might not be reasonable to expect to compare a chunk
> of business functionality for unlimited users to the price of a smartphone
> app that allows you to throw a pig at some fruit or whatever the latest
> thing is.
> Should we be thinking in terms of selling 1000 copies of something for $5,
> selling 100 copies of something for $50 or 10 for $500?
> Alan.
> --
> Libertus Solutionshttp://libertus.co.uk
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