[Vtigercrm-developers] New module: Keyboard Junkie

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Mon Sep 22 10:53:30 GMT 2014

Hi All,

We have a new module in the extension store, Keyboard Junkie allows you 
to keep your hands on the keyboard and be much more productive when 
getting around the vtiger user interface.

In List view:
  Page Up/Page Down to page through the listing
  Double press any key to jump to that letter in the view
  ctrl+a to add a new item to the list

In Detail view:
  ctrl+e to edit
  ctrl+d to duplicate
  Page up/Page down to navigate through the related items
  right/left to move to the next or previous entry

In Edit view
  ctrl+s to save

  ctrl+l to go to the list view
  escape to go back to the previous screen
  ctrl+m then a number to select a menu, so "ctrl+m 1" for the calendar 
and "ctrl+m 2" for leads etc.

For Apple users, it is Command+shortcut rather than Ctrl+shortcut.

Any feedback or suggestions for other shortcuts would be welcome, 
particularly on how we might design a simple and powerful and foolproof 
interface to customise shortcuts. You can try out the module on our demo 
server at http://geotools.libertus.co.uk

The module is priced at $4.99 which I hope is a good low-cost way to 
check out the process of purchasing modules through the extension store, 
but if you want a copy and can't use the extension store then send me a 


Libertus Solutions

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