[Vtigercrm-developers] Customer Portal

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Fri Sep 5 09:04:58 GMT 2014

we have another one where people working on ships record the dates they 
leave and arrive in the country so that the accountant can work out if 
they qualify for reduced tax. (the vtiger system belongs to the 
accountant, the sailors use the customer portal to say when they are 
coming and going). Important thing for this is that the portal works on 
a phone and it is a vtlib module that holds the dates they went through 
a port.


On 04/09/14 20:25, Prasad wrote:
> Alan,
> Thanks for the use-case example - such are the ones that enabled 
> building better understanding.
> Regards,
> Prasad
> _______________________________________________ http://www.vtiger.com/ 

Libertus Solutions

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