[Vtigercrm-developers] How can I translate these strings

Holbok István holbok at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 07:02:46 GMT 2014

The "No" issue exists in Hungarian too.
In English simple 'No' -> in Hungarian 'Nem', 'Nem volt', 'Nincs' or 
'Nincsenek' depending from the text environment, sometimes with 
different order of words (when vtiger composes the message from 2 or 3 
different string).
If the message string is in the format "blabla *%s* blabla blabla" then 
easy to translate and the right word order creates with moving '%s' to 
the right place. But sometimes the language strings do not use the 
possibility of PHP printf, sprintf %s parameter.

The items shown in the screen shoots are database items and the list 
view names, custom view names as well.
I think the only method of translating them is to
(1) run a database correction SQL script to change these names to the 
proper language script - after install or
(2) at the install time the data-populator script will count the main 
language of the instance and will populate to the database the right 


2014.09.03. 8:35 keltezéssel, maie írta:
> Roles: Profiles: This string "No" both as a label and as a check box 
> for Yes or No, can not be translated
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> View this message in context: How can I translate these strings 
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