[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger asterisk / phone calls module

Richard Hills - Technologywise richard at tw.co.nz
Thu Oct 23 21:56:07 GMT 2014

Another update, the final issue seems to have been that for whatever 
reason, during the upgrade vtiger_settings_field failed to be created, 
along with any other vtiger_settings_ tables (if they exist).

Big bad news for me unfortunately, guess we will try one more time with 
a fresh upgrade next week.

Thanks to everyone who gave some input.

On 24/10/14 10:41, Richard Hills - Technologywise wrote:
> Sorry, actually $this->getMenuItem() is the one returning false.
> On 24/10/14 10:33, Richard Hills - Technologywise wrote:
>> Indeed, the function does exist:
>>>     public function getEditViewUrl() {
>>>             $menuItem = $this->getMenuItem();
>>>             return 
>>> 'index.php?module='.$this->getModuleName().'&parent=Settings&view='.$this->getEditViewName().'&block='.$menuItem->get('blockid').'&fieldid='.$menuItem->get('fieldid');
>>>     }
>> However $menuItem->get() is failing. Returning false.
>> On 24/10/14 10:13, Alan Lord (News) wrote:
>>> On 23/10/14 21:46, Richard Hills - Technologywise wrote:
>>>> I have now found what is causing the error on my system.
>>>> Inside of: ./layouts/vlayout/modules/Settings/PBXManager/index.tpl
>>>> Line 16:
>>>>>                 <div class="span4"><div class="pull-right"><button
>>>>> class="btn editButton"
>>>>> data-url='{$MODULE_MODEL->getEditViewUrl()}&mode=showpopup&id={$RECORD_ID}' 
>>>>> type="button" title="{vtranslate('LBL_EDIT',
>>>>> $QUALIFIED_MODULE)}"><strong>{vtranslate('LBL_EDIT',
>>>>> $QUALIFIED_MODULE)}</strong></button></div></div>
>>>> The call for $MODULE_MODEL->getEditViewUrl() is failing.
>>> So you need to work out why your PBXManager Module Model doesn't 
>>> exist or doesn't have that function. It should do...
>>> That function should be defined in 
>>> modules/Settings/PBXManager/models/Module.php
>>> Al
>> -- 
>> Richard Hills
>> TechnologyWise Ltd, Tauranga, NZ
>> richard at tw.co.nz
>> www.technologywise.co.nz
>> ph: +64 (0)7 571 1060
>> fax: +64 (0)7 571 1061
>> Basestation
>> _______________________________________________
>> http://www.vtiger.com/
> -- 
> Richard Hills
> TechnologyWise Ltd, Tauranga, NZ
> richard at tw.co.nz
> www.technologywise.co.nz
> ph: +64 (0)7 571 1060
> fax: +64 (0)7 571 1061
> Basestation
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/


Richard Hills
TechnologyWise Ltd, Tauranga, NZ
richard at tw.co.nz
ph: +64 (0)7 571 1060
fax: +64 (0)7 571 1061

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