[Vtigercrm-developers] unable to add user (a migration report)

Zebra Hosting support at zebrahosting.eu
Wed Oct 22 12:37:30 GMT 2014

OK bear with me, just starting to look at the vTiger structure and how to

I¹v checked and compared the tables vtiger_users and vTiger_user2role
tables with a fresh install. No differences.
vtiger_users has only two accounts and look fine. ID 1 and ID5 seems ok
and no strange issues.

But I am confused how to check Œblocks¹

What and where are the constrains? That seems the only difference with the
fresh install.

Bastiaan Houtkooper
Zebra Hosting

On 21-10-14 14:29, "Alan Lord" <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:

>On 21/10/14 13:05, Zebra Hosting wrote:
>> With the DB debug on I was able to find this error:
>> Query: insert into vtiger_user2role (userid, roleid) values(16,'H2')
>> failed. Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
>> (`dream_crm2`.`vtiger_user2role`, CONSTRAINT `fk_2_vtiger_user2role`
>> FOREIGN KEY (`userid`) REFERENCES `vtiger_users` (`id`) ON DELETE
>I would definitely check vtiger_field and vtiger_blocks for duplicate
>fields and blocks (especially for the vtiger_users tablename).
>We were seeing this type of error yesterday which turned out to be due
>to an earlier query failure caused by duplicate fields - check the
>vtigercrm.log as well...

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