[Vtigercrm-developers] RelatedList columns?
Stencel, Maciej
m.stencel at opensaas.pl
Wed Oct 15 18:55:36 GMT 2014
Alan if Im correct in related list view you see columns marked to be seen
in summary view.
Give it a try. Long time ago i tried to use arrays etc but summary view
overwrites it all.
Plus long time ago there was error that when youve set custom field as
summary view field in other module in related list view you cold not see
records from that module. You had to apple fix to crmentity.php
Hope that it helps You.
15 paź 2014 18:30 "Alan Lord" <alanslists at gmail.com> napisał(a):
> Am I doing something daft or has the way the column headings for Related
> Lists changed in vt6.1.
> I have two custom modules made using vtlib and each has a set of fields
> defined in the $list_fields and $list_fields_name arrays as I've always
> done. But they do not appear to be making a blind bit of difference to what
> fields are shown in the related list???
> One module is showing many more fields than in my $list_ arrays and the
> other is only showing one column and that one isn't even in the $list_
> arrays at all for that module...
> I'm assuming I've got a typo somewhere but just wanted to check that I've
> not missed some major change in the way these lists are configured...
> Thanks
> Al
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