[Vtigercrm-developers] Dear Blazej

Hamono, Chris (DPC) Chris.Hamono at sa.gov.au
Tue Oct 14 22:09:13 GMT 2014

As a user of vtiger I am glad to see you have created a fork. Another potential solution to our problems. I am reviewing your fork.

But please keep this in mind. In a few months or maybe a year or so If your product still exists it will be very different from vtiger.

So why are you spamming the vtiger forum with your personal gripes? Why are you letting emotion get the better of you. I understand your frustration.

I have often thought I would like to fork this project and get it on the right track. But common sense tells me I am better trying to work with the vtiger devs and help them create a better product.

Please start your own mailing list. Once you have done so I am sure many people will contribute to your product. Until then please respect the vtiger team. It is their product after all and they can do what they like with it.


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