[Vtigercrm-developers] YetiForce 0.0.3
socialboostdk at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 14:42:51 GMT 2014
Silly question, but is it possible to "just have the menu" as 1 item vs.
dropdown? Ie. dropdowns are cool, but some items (ie. "Contacts") I would
rather just have as a single menu-item.
And - are Vtiger themes compatible w. Yetiforce or any changes here?
On 14 October 2014 16:37, Pabiszczak, Błażej <b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl>
> Import form file was disabled in a demo version. It works when you
> download from SVN. We will add a special notification in the next version.
> Z poważaniem / Regards
> Błażej Pabiszczak
> M: +48.884999123
> E: b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl
> 2014-10-14 16:26 GMT+02:00 IT-Solutions4You <info at its4you.sk>:
>> Import from file will be possible?
>> We have some question if our Extensions will work with your system but i
>> don't see how to install it.
>> Matus, ITS4You
>> Dňa 13. 10. 2014 17:38 Pabiszczak, Błażej wrote / napísal(a):
>>> The list of changes from 0.0.1 to 0.0.3 version of YetiForce:
>>> *
>>> Minor errors were amended.
>>> *
>>> Loading of graphics in wysiwyg field was amended.
>>> *
>>> Display of illustrations in tables was improved.
>>> *
>>> New search operation was added to modules with products.
>>> *
>>> Display of comments was optimized.
>>> *
>>> Display of widgets on Home page was optimized.
>>> *
>>> Database structure was optimized.
>>> *
>>> Privileges for display of widgets on Home page were added.
>>> *
>>> Names for labels in charts were amended.
>>> *
>>> Limitation for the number of displayed names in widgets on Home page
>>> was added.
>>> *
>>> Notifications (pop-ups) about activities in a calendar were
>>> developed with a list of time periods for postponed activities (15m,
>>> 30m, 1h, 2h, 1d)
>>> *
>>> Notifications (pop-ups) about activities in a calendar were
>>> developed with information about related records.
>>> *
>>> Notifications (pop-ups) about activities in a calendar were
>>> developed with information about the localization with a possibility
>>> to view it on a map.
>>> *
>>> Notifications (pop-ups) about activities in a calendar were
>>> developed with an option to send an email message.
>>> *
>>> Relation between Sales invoices and Outsourced product was amended.
>>> *
>>> Language translations were added and corrected.
>>> *
>>> Creation of email messages in the email scanner was secured.
>>> *
>>> Display of uitype 300 was amended (wysiwyg field).
>>> *
>>> Import of records for a status field was secured.
>>> *
>>> Adjustment of default language during the installation process was
>>> amended.
>>> *
>>> New widget for the OSSDropbox module was added.
>>> *
>>> “Date“ field was added in the Calculations module.
>>> *
>>> Requirement for a product name in Calculations was disabled.
>>> *
>>> New module icons were added.
>>> *
>>> Error, which occurred during the process of deleting value from a
>>> selection list, was fixed.
>>> *
>>> Statuses in timecontrol were changed.
>>> *
>>> Old Webmails module was removed.
>>> *
>>> Missing field names were added.
>>> *
>>> Sharing privileges for displayed comments were added.
>>> *
>>> Display of upcoming activities in a record creation view in a
>>> calendar was improved.
>>> *
>>> Error notification was changed.
>>> *
>>> Download of mailbox configuration data during emails sending was
>>> amended.
>>> *
>>> Display of entry names in a graphic calendar was changed.
>>> *
>>> Display of unnecessary data in a graphic calendar was amended.
>>> *
>>> Quick edit was added to a calendar.
>>> *
>>> “Assigned to” field was added to a header of preview.
>>> *
>>> Google module was removed.
>>> *
>>> Mechanism for loading additional data during the process of
>>> selecting records in a references field was added (uitype 10).
>>> *
>>> Action for verifying writes of data in Accounts, Leads, Contacts and
>>> Vendors modules (e.g. verification of VAT number in a few modules).
>>> *
>>> Relation between a calendar and ServiceContracts and Projects was
>>> added.
>>> *
>>> Imap connection in mail modules was secured.
>>> *
>>> Layout of a notification reporting about new modules was changed.
>>> *
>>> Record’s global search was secured.
>>> *
>>> Widget with a list of emails was amended.
>>> *
>>> Invoice and quote creation from Services was amended.
>>> *
>>> Write of tax rate in Services was amended.
>>> *
>>> Additional labels with descriptions of modules were added within the
>>> configuration panel.
>>> *
>>> “Form of payment” field was added.
>>> Z poważaniem / Regards
>>> Błażej Pabiszczak
>>> M: +48.884999123
>>> E: b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl
>>> <mailto:b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl>
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>> _______________________________________________
>> http://www.vtiger.com/
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
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