[Vtigercrm-developers] email manager gmail

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Fri Oct 10 12:53:58 GMT 2014


Thank you for updating about the issue resolution.

I assume you are convinced that server configuration is the key component.
Hope you will guide rest of them on the discussion forums and share
the knowledge acquired.

Have a nice weekend.


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On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 4:56 PM, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com>

> Yes, you are right.
> It was that the problem.
> What i realized after port check.
> I had never thought about it because I have always used other applications to
> connect to gmail and always worked well
> Problem solved, can close ticket on track
> Thak you
> Manuel
> No dia 10/10/2014, às 04:31, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com> escreveu:
> Could be linked to firewall setup on the server - ping / telnet to Gmail
> too was not reachable.
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> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 6:19 PM, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com> wrote:
>> I'm on it now.
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>> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 5:26 PM, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Prasad,
>>> Sent Access to your email
>>> prasad at vtiger.com
>>> Best Regards.
>>> Manuel
>>> No dia 08/10/2014, às 08:02, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com> escreveu:
>>> Waiting for SSH access!
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>>> On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 9:49 PM, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello Prasad,
>>>> That´s not good say it´s ok because you can create in your own server.
>>>> I can assure you that like me facing this problem, at least 20 people
>>>> more posting related problem in the forum.
>>>> I offered you to test my system and provided all information to tell us
>>>> whats the incompatibility in some servers.
>>>> Don’s miss understand me: i’m not doing this just to fix my problem, i
>>>> can change server and in some will be ok, but, like this server
>>>> configuration, we can find lots of people with same configuration.
>>>> Please, go to forum and count people telling they cannot create google
>>>> accounts in mail manager
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> Manuel
>>>> No dia 02/10/2014, às 04:12, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com> escreveu:
>>>> You many have to check your server environment -
>>>> I was able to use the gmail account you had shared on my server and
>>>> recorded the observation.
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>>>> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 11:02 PM, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Anyway, even with Access for less secure apps Enabled, can´t still
>>>>> connect to gmail account.
>>>>> Best Regards.
>>>>> Manuel
>>>>> No dia 01/10/2014, às 17:36, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com> escreveu:
>>>>> Manuel,
>>>>> I have recorded the observations here:
>>>>> http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/8279
>>>>> Please review if that helps.
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>>>>> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Prasad,
>>>>>> Can you please confirm it’s impossible to create account in email
>>>>>> manager?
>>>>>> someone changed password last minutes,
>>>>>> new credentials.
>>>>>> ptdesigner12 at gmail.com
>>>>>> newpass20142
>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>> No dia 01/10/2014, às 07:17, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com>
>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>> Ok, it's a new installation las version
>>>>>> Here the credencials to one gmail account
>>>>>> ptdesigner12 at gmail.com
>>>>>> newpass2014
>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>> No dia 01/10/2014, às 06:30, Ian Stern <i4629193 at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>> Manuel, you should understand that anybody who entering his email
>>>>>> account into your app giving you unlimited access to his/her mailbox. On
>>>>>> the other hand if this issue is not confirmed by other guys it means that
>>>>>> problem lays on your gmail account or your application. Try to replace
>>>>>> mailmanager module with clean one (overwrite files).
>>>>>> ian
>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Manuel Fernando <
>>>>>> ptdesigner at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello, you can try any gmail or yahoo account to test.
>>>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>>> No dia 01/10/2014, às 04:31, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>> Please the credentials of the IMAP account you are using.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Prasad
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>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 12:36 AM, Manuel Fernando <
>>>>>>> ptdesigner at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Is someone tested this already?
>>>>>>>> Seems an important thing to fix.
>>>>>>>> It´s a vtiger problem because i can run other scripts with IMAP
>>>>>>>> authentication
>>>>>>>> No dia 29/09/2014, às 10:52, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>>> Prasad,
>>>>>>>> can you please check this issue?
>>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>>>> No dia 27/09/2014, às 22:19, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>>> Anyone had the chance to test?
>>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>>>> No dia 27/09/2014, às 15:57, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>>> And here you can see information of the server
>>>>>>>> http://magsoft.pt/vtiger/info.php
>>>>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>>>> No dia 27/09/2014, às 15:39, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>>> Ok, if you want to try.
>>>>>>>> http://magsoft.pt/vtiger
>>>>>>>> admin: admin
>>>>>>>> password: demo
>>>>>>>> I think its a bug because vtiger should handle diferent scenarios.
>>>>>>>> I use other scripts in same server and none have problems handling
>>>>>>>> email services.
>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>>>> No dia 27/09/2014, às 12:48, SIAM Translations <
>>>>>>>> info at siam-translations.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>>> I played with few gmail accounts and it works fine (except speed).
>>>>>>>> Problem is not in vtiger but in gmail I suppose.
>>>>>>>> Andrew Smith
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Manuel Fernando <
>>>>>>>> ptdesigner at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> Any recommendation?
>>>>>>>>> Best Regards.
>>>>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>>>>> No dia 26/09/2014, às 17:20, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>> Update
>>>>>>>>> Tried now with new yahoo account and van´s create mailbox like
>>>>>>>>> gmail.
>>>>>>>>> ERROR Can't connect to imap4.mail.eu.am0.yahoodns.net,993:
>>>>>>>>> Connection timed out, Can't connect to imap4.mail.eu.am0.
>>>>>>>>> yahoodns.net,993: Connection timed out
>>>>>>>>> No dia 26/09/2014, às 17:10, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>> Prasad,
>>>>>>>>> Cant create mailbox (gmail) in email manager.
>>>>>>>>> Tried  to unlock captcha google account but still can´t create
>>>>>>>>> gmail account in email manager.
>>>>>>>>> https://accounts.google.com/DisplayUnlockCaptcha
>>>>>>>>> I can create other’s accounts
>>>>>>>>> If you want, i can send credentials to new installation vtiger 6.1
>>>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>>>> Manuel
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