[Vtigercrm-developers] email manager gmail
Manuel Fernando
ptdesigner at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 11:56:58 GMT 2014
Hello Prasad,
Sent Access to your email
prasad at vtiger.com
Best Regards.
No dia 08/10/2014, às 08:02, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com> escreveu:
> Waiting for SSH access!
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> On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 9:49 PM, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Prasad,
> That´s not good say it´s ok because you can create in your own server.
> I can assure you that like me facing this problem, at least 20 people more posting related problem in the forum.
> I offered you to test my system and provided all information to tell us whats the incompatibility in some servers.
> Don’s miss understand me: i’m not doing this just to fix my problem, i can change server and in some will be ok, but, like this server configuration, we can find lots of people with same configuration.
> Please, go to forum and count people telling they cannot create google accounts in mail manager
> Best Regards
> Manuel
> No dia 02/10/2014, às 04:12, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com> escreveu:
>> You many have to check your server environment -
>> I was able to use the gmail account you had shared on my server and recorded the observation.
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>> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 11:02 PM, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Anyway, even with Access for less secure apps Enabled, can´t still connect to gmail account.
>> Best Regards.
>> Manuel
>> No dia 01/10/2014, às 17:36, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com> escreveu:
>>> Manuel,
>>> I have recorded the observations here: http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/8279
>>> Please review if that helps.
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>>> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Prasad,
>>> Can you please confirm it’s impossible to create account in email manager?
>>> someone changed password last minutes,
>>> new credentials.
>>> ptdesigner12 at gmail.com
>>> newpass20142
>>> Best Regards
>>> Manuel
>>> No dia 01/10/2014, às 07:17, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>> Ok, it's a new installation las version
>>>> Here the credencials to one gmail account
>>>> ptdesigner12 at gmail.com
>>>> newpass2014
>>>> Manuel
>>>> No dia 01/10/2014, às 06:30, Ian Stern <i4629193 at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>> Manuel, you should understand that anybody who entering his email account into your app giving you unlimited access to his/her mailbox. On the other hand if this issue is not confirmed by other guys it means that problem lays on your gmail account or your application. Try to replace mailmanager module with clean one (overwrite files).
>>>>> ian
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello, you can try any gmail or yahoo account to test.
>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>> Manuel
>>>>> No dia 01/10/2014, às 04:31, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com> escreveu:
>>>>>> Please the credentials of the IMAP account you are using.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Prasad
>>>>>> Connect with us on: Twitter I Facebook I Blog I Wiki I Forums I Website
>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 12:36 AM, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Is someone tested this already?
>>>>>> Seems an important thing to fix.
>>>>>> It´s a vtiger problem because i can run other scripts with IMAP authentication
>>>>>> No dia 29/09/2014, às 10:52, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>> Prasad,
>>>>>>> can you please check this issue?
>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>>> No dia 27/09/2014, às 22:19, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>>> Anyone had the chance to test?
>>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>>>> No dia 27/09/2014, às 15:57, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>> And here you can see information of the server
>>>>>>>>> http://magsoft.pt/vtiger/info.php
>>>>>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>>>>> No dia 27/09/2014, às 15:39, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>> Ok, if you want to try.
>>>>>>>>>> http://magsoft.pt/vtiger
>>>>>>>>>> admin: admin
>>>>>>>>>> password: demo
>>>>>>>>>> I think its a bug because vtiger should handle diferent scenarios.
>>>>>>>>>> I use other scripts in same server and none have problems handling email services.
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>>>>>> No dia 27/09/2014, às 12:48, SIAM Translations <info at siam-translations.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>> I played with few gmail accounts and it works fine (except speed). Problem is not in vtiger but in gmail I suppose.
>>>>>>>>>>> Andrew Smith
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>> Any recommendation?
>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards.
>>>>>>>>>>> Manuel
>>>>>>>>>>> No dia 26/09/2014, às 17:20, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Update
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tried now with new yahoo account and van´s create mailbox like gmail.
>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR Can't connect to imap4.mail.eu.am0.yahoodns.net,993: Connection timed out, Can't connect to imap4.mail.eu.am0.yahoodns.net,993: Connection timed out
>>>>>>>>>>>> No dia 26/09/2014, às 17:10, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prasad,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cant create mailbox (gmail) in email manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tried to unlock captcha google account but still can´t create gmail account in email manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://accounts.google.com/DisplayUnlockCaptcha
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can create other’s accounts
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you want, i can send credentials to new installation vtiger 6.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manuel
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