[Vtigercrm-developers] 2 Problems during Update from 6.0 to 6.1

Stefan Warnat ich at stefanwarnat.de
Wed Oct 1 11:59:25 GMT 2014

This looks not like a problem only on my system:


This is exactly the same problem, I had. (The second one)

During clean Up I realized only fields from Quote/Invoice/SalesOrder are
duplicated. But it impact every currency field in this modules.


*Freelancer at Webdevelopment*

Web: http://www.stefanwarnat.de
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On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Stefan Warnat <ich at stefanwarnat.de> wrote:

> Hy Prasad,
> Yes.
> If you say it, the both system, are originally 5.4 systems and run as 6.0
> during a short time. (3-6 months)
> I check vtiger_version from backup and see, not the upgrade to 6.1 was the
> problem.
> During the 6.0 runtime vtiger_version contain
> 1,'5.4.0','5.4.0'
> After the Upgrade (now)
> 1,'5.4.0','6.1.0'
> (The same in both systems)
> Probably one of the Database Migration Queries wasn't run correctly during
> migration. I hope nothing else was defect.
> Thanks Prasad for your hint to check vtiger_version.
> Stefan
> ----
> *Freelancer at Webdevelopment*
> Web: http://www.stefanwarnat.de
> Xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/Stefan_Warnat2
> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stefan-warnat/6/827/820
> eMail: kontakt at stefanwarnat.de
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com> wrote:
>> Was it on migrated system from 5.x earlier? Before migration what did
>> vtiger_version table have?
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>> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Stefan Warnat <ich at stefanwarnat.de>
>> wrote:
>>> Hy,
>>> I sometimes get two problems if I update a system from 6.0 to 6.1.
>>> The first one will thrown more often and I get also reports from
>>> clients, which don't manipulate the system, like I do. (sometimes ;) )
>>>  - The Upgrade create a second *aftersave* event for "
>>> *Vtiger_RecordLabelUpdater_Handler*"
>>> This effect creates a Deadlock after every save.
>>> The effect will be two exactly equals rows in *vtiger_eventhandlers *table.
>>> To remove one will fix the problem. I don't know why this happen, because
>>> you normally check if an event already existing.
>>> The second one I see two times now(On completely vanilla systems), the
>>> upgrade creates lot's of fields a second time.
>>> This looks like this:
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> The problem is, this will crash the *insertIntoEntityTable *function.
>>> Again: I don't know why this happen. but there are around 40 fields, which
>>> are duplicated during Upgrade to 6.1
>>> Any other users which such a problem?
>>> Stefan
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