[Vtigercrm-developers] Picklist handling [Was: Re: Coding Guidelines for vtiger CRM extensions]

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 08:13:42 GMT 2014

On 20/11/14 13:17, IT-Solutions4You wrote:
> Hi to all developers ;-)
> I see huge activity last days, we are happy with it. But I have a
> please, can we keep the basic Coding Guidelines defined by vtiger team
> to avoid compatibility problems in the future.


This is even more important now we have the extension store and multiple 
providers of similar modules.

On this subject is something I've been meaning to discuss for a while now...

Could vtiger/us also look at the way picklist tables are generated for 
some future release please?

Right now, if I used vtlib to create a new UIType 15 or 16 field - let's 
call it "type", it creates a table called vtiger_type to hold the 
picklist values...

Now my module's basetable may well be called libertus_lsmymodule.

Right now I have to prefix my field name with not only "ls" to signify 
it's one of ours, but also, when we are talking about a common field 
name for picklists such as "status" or "type", an indication of the 
module name it is for - if it is exclusive.

So my field ends up being called something like 'lsmymod_type' which 
vtiger then ends up creating a table called vtiger_lsmymod_type.

In a few cases where we have had more descriptive field names I have run 
into problems with the length of the table name - which is limited in 
the vtiger code IIRC.

I think it would be helpful if the picklist tables could be prefixed 
with the same prefix as the original module so our picklists would 
typically start with libertus_ rather than vtiger_...

Or maybe someone can up with a better solution for picklists?



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