[Vtigercrm-developers] vt61 PBXManager???

Akshath T.A akshath.t at vtiger.com
Thu Nov 20 13:41:24 GMT 2014

Hi Alan,

Thank you for pointing out this.

As you pointed out we do a client side polling to check if there are any
active calls, pull that call details and notify user through a call popup.
Without client side polling we will not be able to notify user about the

But we can optimize the query (fix will be provided soon) by pulling out
only required information from the database and fetching the data based on
the current user(calls related to respective user who is active and logged
in CRM).


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Alan Lord (News) <alanslists at gmail.com>

> On 20/11/14 12:03, Alan Lord (News) wrote:
>> I have just noticed in the logs for vtiger 6.1.0 if PBXManager is
>> enabled the following about every 3 seconds...
>>  SELECT * FROM vtiger_pbxmanager AS module_table INNER JOIN
>>> vtiger_crmentity AS entity_table  WHERE module_table.callstatus
>>> IN(?,?) AND module_table.direction=? AND
>>> module_table.pbxmanagerid=entity_table.crmid AND entity_table.deleted=0
>>> Thu Nov 20 11:59:36 2014,648 [31318] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query
>>> parameters : [ringing,in-progress,inbound]
>> Please tell me this isn't so :-(
>> I thought you'd got rid of the constant polling...
> This is going tp put a huge load on the server with >50 simultaneous users
> and >400,000 rows in the vtiger_pbxmanager table and >2million in
> vtiger_crmentity...
> Al
> --
> Libertus Solutions
> http://www.libertus.co.uk
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> http://www.vtiger.com/


*Thanks & Regards*

*        Akshath          Vtiger*

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