[Vtigercrm-developers] Contacts Duplicated
info at its4you.sk
Wed Nov 19 12:55:05 GMT 2014
Hi Simone,
I won't have time for it for at least one week, but you can download the
extension and do changes and import it back, feel free to do it. We will
publish this extension for free, you will be listed as co-author.
Dňa 19. 11. 2014 11:14 Simone Travaglini wrote / napísal(a):
> Hi Martin,
> we did something similar with cross check and deny, but witout your
> flexibility. If you want I can share our code to you, maybe could be
> usefull to achive a better result!
> 2014-11-19 10:39 GMT+01:00 IT-Solutions4You
> <info at its4you.sk <mailto:info at its4you.sk>>:
> Hi Simone,
> thanks. This was just a try, if it is easily possible - and it is.
> But cross-module check is another level and will not took only two
> nights, but far more time. And deny of creation is a bit more
> complicated too. Maybe in future... (I have to spend some time with
> my wife too ;) )
> Martin
> Dňa 19. 11. 2014 10:02 Simone Travaglini wrote / napísal(a):
> Hi! Very good work. Why don't give the opportunity to deny the
> creation
> of a new record when duplicated?
> It will be usefull also a cross check between leads and contacts
> (and
> also leads and organization).
> 2014-11-19 9:44 GMT+01:00 IT-Solutions4You
> <info at its4you.sk
> <mailto:info at its4you.sk>
> <mailto:info at its4you.sk
> <mailto:info at its4you.sk>>>:
> Hi all,
> I agree with Alan too, it has to be configurable. You
> inspired me
> and I spent two nights developing it. Now the result is
> available on
> http://martin.vtigercrm.sk/____DuplicityCheck/
> <http://martin.vtigercrm.sk/__DuplicityCheck/>
> <http://martin.vtigercrm.sk/__DuplicityCheck/
> <http://martin.vtigercrm.sk/DuplicityCheck/>> , you can log in as
> adminuser/adminuser . Under Settings -> Other Settings ->
> Duplicity
> Check you can set up which fields (in which module) are
> checked for
> duplicity. Then when you are about to create an entity which is
> duplicity, you become a warning (so far only warning and no
> cross-module check). The control is triggered on page load
> and on
> field change, so you became the warning when you duplicate
> an entity
> too. What is your oppinion, should I put it in Market
> Place? Alan -
> maybe you can help me with better warning text...
> Have a great day,
> Martin
> Dňa 16. 11. 2014 23:42 Richard Hills - Technologywise wrote /
> napísal(a):
> Just wanted to agree with Alan. This needs to be
> configurable. Not a
> default to check for xyz on any record.
> This is a totally different request than MS' file
> replace check,
> it is
> more like if you created a file in windows with the
> same content as
> another file MS would pop up and ask you if you know
> you already
> have
> this information in another file, add the possible
> requirement
> of adding
> 100 of such files a day and you suddenly have added 100
> unnecessary
> clicks to some users work load.
> Currently I think your requirements can be solved with
> a custom
> workflow? I believe we did this for leads in 5.4
> whereby leads email
> addresses were checked against existing leads/contacts
> and save was
> rejected if found.
> On 15/11/14 04:50, Manuel Fernando wrote:
> Sorry but that doesn’t make any sense at least for me.
> Imagine how it is windows not telling you that you
> are replacing
> another file.
> Those customers should ask Microsoft as well to disable
> replace checking?
> Not being sarcastic, it’s the way i see this as
> nonsense at all.
> Best Regards.
> Manuel
> No dia 14/11/2014, às 15:29, Alan Lord
> <alanslists at gmail.com
> <mailto:alanslists at gmail.com>
> <mailto:alanslists at gmail.com
> <mailto:alanslists at gmail.com>>
> <mailto:alanslists at gmail.com
> <mailto:alanslists at gmail.com>
> <mailto:alanslists at gmail.com
> <mailto:alanslists at gmail.com>>>__>
> escreveu:
> On 14/11/14 15:24, Manuel Fernando wrote:
> We all are correct and have different needs
> or ideas
> but i still think
> that as a basic operation of web app’s like
> vtiger
> is mandatory to
> inform and ask if you wold like to replace
> contact
> or duplicate the
> contact. Just simple as it is.
> Nope.
> We have customers that do not want *any* duplicate
> testing at all ;-)
> It must be configurable...
> Al
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> Richard Hills
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> Simone Travaglini
> 328 5499846
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> Simone Travaglini
> 328 5499846
> Linkedin: Simone Travaglini
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