[Vtigercrm-developers] Contacts Duplicated

IT-Solutions4You info at its4you.sk
Wed Nov 19 09:15:16 GMT 2014

Hi Alan,

see the attached printscreen, upper right corner.

It is looking for records, where all chosen fields are duplicates - in 
this case the Last Name AND Primary Emails are the same.


Dňa 19. 11. 2014 9:59 Alan Lord  wrote / napísal(a):
> Nice idea but it didn't work for me :-(
> Also, in the example of the Contact where the dupe check is for Last
> Name and Primary Email how should the test work?
> Is it looking for records were *all* chosen fields are duplicates (AND)
> or is it a check for each individual field having a duplicate (OR)? IMHO
> This is also something that needs to be configurable...
> Al
> On 19/11/14 08:44, IT-Solutions4You wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I agree with Alan too, it has to be configurable. You inspired me and I
>> spent two nights developing it. Now the result is available on
>> http://martin.vtigercrm.sk/DuplicityCheck/ , you can log in as
>> adminuser/adminuser . Under Settings -> Other Settings -> Duplicity
>> Check you can set up which fields (in which module) are checked for
>> duplicity. Then when you are about to create an entity which is
>> duplicity, you become a warning (so far only warning and no cross-module
>> check). The control is triggered on page load and on field change, so
>> you became the warning when you duplicate an entity too. What is your
>> oppinion, should I put it in Market Place? Alan - maybe you can help me
>> with better warning text...
>> Have a great day,
>> Martin
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