[Vtigercrm-developers] Newbie question on translation process

Olivier Hallot olivier.hallot at libreoffice.org
Sat Nov 15 23:38:59 GMT 2014

My name is Olivier and I use Vtiger OSS in my (small) business. I am
also the translator of LibreOffice to pt-BR, a ten fold more complex and
extensive application than Vtiger, I think.

>From my experience, Vtiger OSS handling of translations looks loose.

So I decided to do my own pt-br translation, based on the en_us language.

However many UI strings are not mapped properly into the en_us php
language files. I already fixed a bunch of them, so they can get translated.

Thus, one:Is the work I did of any use of the Vtiger community? If
affirmative, to whom should I send it? Since I am a newbie here, I don't
want to mess with established businesses.

Two: I saw Vtiger translations hosted in Transifex service but it looks
unmaintained. What is the official decision on using this tool? Is there
another site hosting the official translations?

Three: can the developers consider not to build english UI sentences by
assembling individual words? When it comes to translation, the assembled
sentence is awfull.

Kind regards
Olivier Hallot
Comunidade LibreOffice

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