[Vtigercrm-developers] VT6 Import Question

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 07:54:11 GMT 2014

On 03/03/14 19:10, Alan Lord (News) wrote:
> When we run a simple import (I'll send a copy of my test file in the
> morning - it's on another machine) all the right records are created and
> the link between the Contact and Organisation is recorded in the
> accountid column of vtiger_contactdetails.

Can someone else confirm the issue with the attached csv?

Import as Contacts. It will create 2 contacts and 2 accounts. But the 
Accounts will not have the vtiger_crmentity.label field populated so 
when you look at the Contacts the do not show the related Account (even 
though it has actually been related correctly).



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