[Vtigercrm-developers] New Extensions Store! - Take a Tour
Pabiszczak, Błażej
b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl
Mon Jun 23 20:45:11 GMT 2014
You do not you protect any users, you protect yourself.
The next weekend I will write you a long email what I think of this whole
Z poważaniem / Regards
Błażej Pabiszczak
M: +48.884999123
E: b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl
2014-06-23 12:10 GMT+02:00 Sreenivas Kanumuru <svk at vtiger.com>:
> Hi Holbok, Blazej,
> We considered keeping the 'install from file' option in the UI, but felt
> it could lead to users installing unverified extensions that
> might damage the installation. We wanted to add one level of difficulty
> for installing such extensions to ensure that
> users are aware of the risk. We will review this plan if the command line
> tool becomes difficult for users to use.
> Note: The one limitation of the command line tool is that developers will
> not be able to protect their
> extensions (Store offers this feature to encrypt php files and tie it to
> specific MAC address )
> Regards,
> Sreenivas
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Pabiszczak, Błażej <
> b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl> wrote:
>> *We expect that in the same way it will be solved.*
>> Z poważaniem / Regards
>> Błażej Pabiszczak
>> M: +48.884999123
>> E: b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl
>> 2014-06-23 11:04 GMT+02:00 Holbok István <holbok at gmail.com>:
>>> Dear Vtiger Team and All other list members,
>>> There are several good examples how to organize module install manager.
>>> Please look at the Joomla! project solutions:
>>> This approach can be utilized by the vtiger project also.
>>> In the Joomla! project you can find a method to
>>> - install from the web (e.g. from the vtiger store)
>>> - install from package (this method was used in earlier vtiger version),
>>> the package can be placed in a directory or in a URL
>>> and there is a method to install extension by Discover.
>>> For the vtiger - counting future demands - would be very useful:
>>> - possibility to install from vtiger store
>>> - possibility to install from package
>>> - possibility to install by bootstrap string (for developing using
>>> vtlib API)
>>> - or possibility to install by CLI
>>> And should be there a possibility to Update all earlier installed
>>> extensions.
>>> I do not suggest to close any earlier used possibility to install
>>> extensions into vtiger.
>>> By my opinion the install from store possibility should be an extra over
>>> the earlier used methods but not a replacement.
>>> Kindest regards:
>>> Istvan
>>> üdvözlettel:
>>> *Holbok István*
>>> +3670-342-0900
>>> *e-mail:* holbok at gmail.com
>>> *SkyPe:* holboki
>>> 2014.06.23. 10:29 keltezéssel, Sreenivas Kanumuru írta:
>>> Yes, Matteo. We will improve framework APIs to reduce the need to modify
>>> system files. We understand that is important for the success of the
>>> Store.
>>> Blazej,
>>> *If you will not publish modules that modifying system files, we are
>>>> forced to create our own fork.*
>>> Console (command line tool) will allow the installation of such
>>> modules that are not listed on the store. It is a complementary tool that
>>> will be useful for developers and users who want to install extensions that
>>> are not yet published on the store. In essence, there are 2 ways to install
>>> extensions. first through the store (certainly more easier), and the other
>>> is through the Console. If we are finding that users are having difficulty
>>> with the Console, then we will try to provide a UI for the console (that is
>>> separate from the store).
>>> Andrew,
>>>> *I understand that after migration from 6.0 to 6.1 custom modules will
>>>> not be migrated but i have to install 'em manually. It means that database
>>>> tables will be untouched. Is it correct?*
>>> Yes, upgrading framework from 6.0 to 6.1 will leave custom modules
>>> untouched. They will need to be updated manually through the Store
>>> (possible only if the name matche) , or from outside the store (through
>>> the Console).
>>> *Can I claim one extension to be published - email campaigns? Vtiger
>>>> really need it to make marketing guys happy and stick to one app only. *
>>> Thanks for the suggestion. We are discussing internally on the On
>>> Demand features we can release to open source and support well. I expect we
>>> will be releasing a couple of extensions initially (Quickbooks, Magento
>>> connectors for example) and add more over time.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sreenivas
>>> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Matteo Baranzoni <
>>> info at greenbitweb.com> wrote:
>>>> I think that not allow modifyng system files in extensione store
>>>> was the only possible solution but vtiger needs to improve to ensure that
>>>> they are not necessary!
>>>> 2014-06-23 8:31 GMT+02:00 Pabiszczak, Błażej <b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl>
>>>> :
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> Even if we publish an extension, we will list similar extensions
>>>>>> published by other developers, as long as they meet the guidelines (*not
>>>>>> modifying system files*).
>>>>> If you will not publish modules that modifying system files, we are
>>>>> forced to create our own fork.
>>>>> Z poważaniem / Regards
>>>>> Błażej Pabiszczak
>>>>> M: +48.884999123
>>>>> E: b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl
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