[Vtigercrm-developers] [2.] vtiger 6.x documentation -> Can we also use phpDocumentor?
Rishab K
rishab.k at vtiger.com
Mon Jun 23 04:13:52 GMT 2014
Thanks for the documentation,it makes easier for the community to develop
for vTiger.
On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 4:07 PM, Holbok István <holbok at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Vtiger Team and All list members,
> I did try to generate such a documentation described below, but
> unfortunately I was not able to install phpDocumentor in my system to work.
> I did found a working alternative: apigen (built in the Ubuntu 14.04
> linux, installable from the software repository of Ubuntu).
> The apigen 2.8.0 <http://apigen.org/> (it is the latest) is running under
> php 5.3+, and it runs well under the Ubuntu built in php 5.5 as well.
> You can find the generated documents here in my website subdirectory
> http://vtigerdoc.holbok.hu/index.html
> The created map and tree view shows practically all used classes in the
> vtger 6
> The vtiger classes are under No Package section:
> http://vtigerdoc.holbok.hu/package-None.html
> I think it would be useful an official vtiger API documentation for all
> community such this mentioned above.
> Kindest regards
> Istvan Holbok
> -------- original message
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Vtiger Team,
> As I was involved in several Joomla 1.5, 2.5 or 3.x related development
> project in the last years, I regularly used the Joomla API documentations
> that shows all class (object) hierarchy and relations, including properties
> and methods.
> Reviewing in the last days the available vtiger 6.x (and earlier)
> documentation I realized a *lack of such documentations* like Joomla
> Platform and API.
> Here is the Joomla API documentations powered by *phpDocumentor*.
> http://api.joomla.org/framework-1/namespaces/default.html
> By my opinion the phpDocumentor <http://www.phpdoc.org/> would be the
> good tool for the vtiger 6.x documentation also.
> http://www.phpdoc.org/
> The vtiger trac
> <http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/browser/vtigercrm/branches/6.1.0>
> is not a documentation tool for the classes, objects, methods etc. and also
> do not show the hierarchy.
> The applied MVC pattern assumes available knowledge of the parent classes,
> but this knowledge is hidden in the source code without good documentation.
> If I could suggest it would be very useful to establish an online
> documentation using for example phpDocumentor or such a tools pulling codes
> from the vtiger trac immediately.
> Kindest regards:
> Istvan Holbok
> --
> üdvözlettel:
> *Holbok István*
> +3670-342-0900
> *e-mail:* holbok at gmail.com
> *SkyPe:* holboki
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
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