[Vtigercrm-developers] New Extensions Store! - Take a Tour

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Fri Jun 20 15:24:19 GMT 2014


El 20/06/14 17:16, Prasad escribió:
> With Vtiger 6.1, we are releasing an integrated extensions store and 
> an online marketplace, to bridge the gap between developers and users. 
> Extensions are just 1 click away!
> Here is a quick tour - https://demo2.vtiger.com/marketplace
> We have setup a demo here - https://demo2.vtiger.com
> We'll be releasing this with 6.1 Validation Build by end of this month.
> Please read on below for more details on the extensions store.
> *What is the need for Extensions Store?*
> App-Stores in mobile phones and recent desktop OSs have made 
> installing apps as easy as a 1 click action. In comparison, the 
> process to install an extension in Vtiger CRM is unwieldy.
> 1. There was no place within product to browse and install extensions. 
> Users had to search on the web and find extensions listed on different 
> sites.
> 2. For purchasing paid extensions, users had to do it directly from 
> the individual websites of the publishers.
> 3. The process of downloading the zip file and installing the 
> extension is error-prone.
> Extensions Store is designed to bring the simplicity of mobile 
> app-stores to Vtiger users.
> *What are the benefits of extensions store?*
> For Users:
> 1. 1 click install of commercial or free apps
> 2. Confidence that apps are verified
> 3. Contact info of publisher is available to user to reach out for support
> 4. See Ratings and Reviews of extensions
> For Developers:
> 1. Get More users for your free and commercial extensions
> 2. View who purchased your apps
> 3. See Monthly and Daily revenue reports
> *How do i publish an extension to be listed on Store?*
> *
> *
> Developers can signup and publish extensions from publisher portal 
> (under development)
> *Will my commercial apps be protected?*
> Yes. When publishing an extension you can choose to enable protection. 
> Protected extensions are encrypted prior to distribution and are 
> linked to the specific machine on which it is installed. The extension 
> file will not work if it is copied to another machine.
> *How are payments handled?*
> Administrators should add payment method (major credit cards are 
> accepted) in order to install commercial extensions. Vtiger relays the 
> credit card details to Stripe.com and retains the customer id only ( 
> Vtiger only stores the last 4 digits of the card for reference).
> Stripe is a reputed payment processor and confirms to Credit card 
> industry privacy and security guidelines.
> *What are the fees for listing on the Extensions store? *
> *
> *
> There is no listing fee. You decide the price of your extension. You 
> get 75% of the revenue.
> *How will the money be transferred to developer?*
> We are able to pay via paypal or through direct wire transfer (wiring 
> fees will be deducted). The payment will be made monthly, on the 1st 
> Tuesday of subsequent month.
> *Will Vtiger deduct Taxes?*
> We don't anticipate the need to collect taxes on top of the extension 
> fee, or withhold tax before sending payment to developer. If any taxes 
> are applicable, it will be the responsibility of the developer to pay 
> taxes.
> *Can I see who installed my extensions?*
> *
> *
> Yes. Email address of the users will be listed on the Publishers portal
> *Can I push updates to my extensions?*
> Yes. You can publish the updates via the publishers portal, and users 
> will be alerted to the presence of an updated version of the extension.
> Regards,
> Prasad
> Vtiger Team
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/

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