[Vtigercrm-developers] Finding more info regarding fix trac ticket

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Tue Jul 8 08:13:57 GMT 2014

Sorry Sreenivas but that is not true, please look at the tickets and you 
will see. Your team is closing all tickets with a link to the vtiger CRM 
6.1 branch, the WHOLE branch, there is no way of seeing what was changed.

Have a look at any of the tickets I close in coreBOS bug tracker and you 
will see that you have a full reference to the commit with the exact 
changes clearly visible.


El 08/07/14 08:34, Sreenivas Kanumuru escribió:
>     /This issue is something I have asked many times, vtiger PLEASE
>     document the changes, it is useless to say "it works in the
>     current code", we need to see what you are doing to be able to
>     evaluate and help./
> Joe, Since January, we have been adding the change-sets in trac when 
> fixing issues. We weren't following this earlier. I apologize.
> Regards,
> Sreenivas
> On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 3:02 PM, Joe Bordes <joe at tsolucio.com 
> <mailto:joe at tsolucio.com>> wrote:
>     This issue is something I have asked many times, vtiger PLEASE
>     document the changes, it is useless to say "it works in the
>     current code", we need to see what you are doing to be able to
>     evaluate and help.
>     @Rami, I had a look to see if I could see it but I have no idea
>     where the change is, all I can say is that it works in coreBOS, so
>     we must have applied the fix along the way. I tried comparing the
>     most obvious places: modules/CustomView,
>     include/utils/ListViewUtils, modules/Home, include/home.php but I
>     couldn't find it.
>     All the action happens in include/home.php, on the lines 258-263:
>                     if($modname == "Calendar"){
>                         $listquery = getListQuery($modname);
>                         if(trim($listquery) == ''){
>                             $listquery = $focus->getListQuery($modname);
>                         }
>                         $query =
>     $oCustomView->getModifiedCvListQuery($cvid,$listquery,$modname);
>     in my install and test, the $query variable contains a correct SQL
>     command for my filter.
>     Hope that helps...
>     Joe
>     TSolucio
>     On 04/07/14 08:29, Rami Addady wrote:
>>     Hello,
>>     Thank you for your replay
>>     > Can you please check this issue here in vtiger 6.1.0
>>     <http://trac.vtiger.com/svn/vtiger/vtigercrm/branches/6.1.0/> .
>>     If its reproducible, please get back to us.
>>     But V6.1 not relevant to my question.
>>     It say the ticket was fix in V5.4.
>>     How can I find which files where involve?
>>     Regards,
>>     Rami Addady
>>     On 07/03/2014 03:44 PM, Uma S wrote:
>>>     Hi,
>>>     Can you please check this issue here in vtiger 6.1.0
>>>     <http://trac.vtiger.com/svn/vtiger/vtigercrm/branches/6.1.0/> .
>>>     If its reproducible, please get back to us.
>>>     On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 6:05 PM, Rami Addady <rami at active.co.il
>>>     <mailto:rami at active.co.il>> wrote:
>>>         Hello,
>>>         I'm trying to find the fix to a bug. Bug that was reported
>>>         as fixed in the trac.
>>>         The ticket mention it was fix in v5.4:
>>>         http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/7074#no2
>>>         How can I locate the file / lines which where involve?
>>>         Regards,
>>>         Rami Addady
>>>         _______________________________________________
>>>         http://www.vtiger.com/
>>>     -- 
>>>     With
>>>     Best Regards
>>>     Uma.S
>>>     Vtiger Team
>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>     http://www.vtiger.com/
>>     _______________________________________________
>>     http://www.vtiger.com/
>     -- 
>     Un saludo
>     Joe
>     TSolucio
>     _______________________________________________
>     http://www.vtiger.com/

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