[Vtigercrm-developers] Best practice for changing language files

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 08:09:59 GMT 2014

We either:

1. Just edit them but keep them under version control...
2. Create a new language pack for the customer, e,g, en_mycustomer


On 23/02/14 23:36, Max Clarke wrote:
> Hi guys,
> What's the recommended way to change language files to (for example)
> rename modules and menu titles. I want to do this in a way that lets
> future vTiger upgrades run without me having to work out what files are
> different and re-apply changes.
> Perhaps I can subclass the module and override the language label
> definitions? And then hide the original module? Is it easy enough to
> subclass existing modules to extend functionality? I haven't seen any
> information around about extending/subclassing existing modules without
> editing core files.
> Thanks
> Max
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