[Vtigercrm-developers] Chat between users

socialboostdk socialboostdk at gmail.com
Sun Feb 9 16:26:08 GMT 2014

Thanks Matteo & Kevin,

That was it - thanks!!:)

I can see in the archive that Alan Bell did a first version (link no longer
working?) and that Prasad did a 2nd. version. Did anyone ever finish it
(ie. with a non-random room ID)?

:-) Christian

On 9 February 2014 16:44, Kevin J Alderton <k.j.alderton at ntlworld.com>wrote:

>  Hi,
> There is togetherjs  https://*togetherjs*.com/
> From memory someone made a module based on this for 5.4 vtogether ---- I
> think!
> Another developer was working on a module based on openmeetings, not sure
> how that turned out.
> Hope that helps
> Kevin
> On 09/02/14 15:06, socialboostdk wrote:
>  Hi there,
>  I remember that someone sometime during 2013 posted a link to either a
> vtiger-chat module or some external lib/module (probably JS) that they
> where considering to implement..
>  - can anyone remember what? I've tried searching but can't seem to find
> it? :)
>  My idea is to make a chat for the vtiger users.. :)
>  Thanks!
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