[Vtigercrm-developers] Vt6 Duplicate Leads ODDITY

Kevin J Alderton k.j.alderton at ntlworld.com
Sun Feb 9 09:21:08 GMT 2014

Hi all,

In duplicate leads when you have the option to merge, select the records 
and click merge

This results in a pop-up from which a selection can be made, then click 
merge  -----  low and behold another pop-up asking what can Firefox 
(Chrome also) do with index.php. Open or save?

And the best bit,  an email arrives in the administrators inbox, 
informing him that a new lead has just been received from the website  
---- the very lead I was trying to merge.  Click merge again and a 
notice appears saying the record is deleted ?????????????????????

Anyone else come across this?
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