[Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger on GitHub?

Siam Translations LLP info at siam-translations.com
Thu Feb 6 03:21:29 GMT 2014

GitHub user experience better than trac


On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 9:54 PM, Jonathan Sardo <sardoj at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Vtiger team,
> To begin with, thank you very much for your excellent work! Vtiger CRM is
> a very strong and good tool!
> I've been working with Vtiger for about 2 years and I see that a lot of
> developers have very good ideas to fix bugs and improve Vtiger CRM but
> there is not a direct way to add these functionalities.
> Track is a solution but I think it is not an optimal solution because
> there are a lot of tickets and it take time to analyze it.
> What do you think to add Vtiger CRM to GitHub (or an other hub) and allow
> developers to make pull requests? You will still be able to control the
> code and accept or decline requests, but I think it is a good solution to
> federate people, creating a strong community.
> And you developers, what do you think about this solution?
> Regards,
> Jonathan SARDO
> [image: Images intégrées 5]
> Tél. 06 99 45 50 47
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