[Vtigercrm-developers] Problem with report generation - Vtiger 6

Janicki, Michał m.janicki at opensaas.pl
Wed Feb 5 12:50:06 GMT 2014

By the way those two mentioned uitype10 fields are both related to
Potential module. Tested on the latest version vtiger 6 (rev 14003) and
does not work.

*Z poważaniem / Best regards*

*Michał Janicki*
*Tel: +48 884-999-531*

*m.janicki at opensaas.pl <m.janicki at opensaas.pl>www.OpenSaaS.pl

2014-02-05 Joe Bordes <joe at tsolucio.com>:

>  Just to add some additional information. I updated our TSDomains module
> which has two uitype 10 fields pointing to the same module and it worked
> correctly. This did not work in previous versions of vtiger CRM, requiring
> code changes, but now it works correctly in 6.0. So maybe it is something
> with base modules or Potentials itself.
> In case that helps
> On 05/02/14 10:44, Janicki, Michał wrote:
>  Hello,
>  Right now I have in Potentials module two uitype10 fields. If I will add
> at least one of those fields to report and while generating report if I
> have set up Primary Module as Potentials then the report will not be
> generated.
>  If I will remove this field from report, generation of report will
> succeed. What is the problem?
>   *Z poważaniem / Best regards*
>  *Michał Janicki*
> *Tel: +48 884-999-531*
> *m.janicki at opensaas.pl <m.janicki at opensaas.pl> www.OpenSaaS.pl
> <http://www.opensaas.pl/>*
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> --
> Un saludo
> Joe
> TSolucio
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