[Vtigercrm-developers] workflows in v6

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 07:22:10 GMT 2014

On 17/04/14 16:55, Michael Lockwood wrote:
> I also have a question about workflow.  I see that there are some
> options to "Update Field" tasks in workflow.  My goal is to have a
> custom field in the quotes module labeled "Quote Status" changed from
> Active to Inactive when an Opportunity is set to "Closed Won" or "Closed
> Lost".  Here's what I have setup, but it's not working:

Hi Michael,

It sounds to me like you'll need to write a custom workflow function. 
It's pretty straightforward once you've thought about it for a few minutes.

Here's an example that creates a new Project entity when triggered by an 
Opportunity and any normal workflow triggering conditions. This was 
written quite a few years ago and this specifc function is not actually 
required now but the principles are still OK.


Then you need to register your function




PS: Once you know how to write custom workflows and Event Handlers the 
world's your lobster ;-)

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