[Vtigercrm-developers] Comments on Activity - Calendar in the vtiger 6

Holbok István holbok at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 16:19:10 GMT 2014

Hi Błażej,

Thank you for the idea. :-)
I know that is a bad functionality because the main particle moving 
across the organization is the client (in Leads, Contacts or Accounts 
table) with his demand for service (e.g. in Potential table).
Any comment - logically - should be assigned to the main particle.

But sometimes somebody has an other idea.
My interest was simply technical about possibility to using mod_comments 
in vtiger 6 in different places.

üdvözlettel / regards:

*Holbok István*

*e-mail:* holbok at gmail.com
*SkyPe:* holboki

2014.04.05. 21:43 keltezéssel, Pabiszczak, Błażej írta:
> You have to explain to him that it was bad functionality :]
> Z poważaniem / Regards
> Błażej Pabiszczak
> M: +48.884999123
> E: b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl <mailto:b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl>
> 2014-04-05 20:59 GMT+02:00 Holbok István <holbok at gmail.com 
> <mailto:holbok at gmail.com>>:
>     Dear All in the List,
>     Is there any method to put vtiger 6 mod_comments widget into the
>     activity (To-Do, or Call, or Event)?
>     One of my clients would like to comment his activity.
>     -- 
>     Kindest regards:
>     *Holbok István*
>     +3670-342-0900
>     *e-mail:* holbok at gmail.com <mailto:holbok at gmail.com>
>     *SkyPe:* holboki
>     _______________________________________________
>     http://www.vtiger.com/

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