[Vtigercrm-developers] "special" Listview filter.

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Fri Oct 18 15:15:46 UTC 2013

I would add a new action and call some of the advanced grid libraries 
out there, for example

slickgrid,  see and example here: 
or KendoUI, dhtmlx

I would recommend slickgrid for this though as it is light weight and 
really easy to get going. You will be able to launch any SQL you need


El 18/10/13 17:05, Alan Lord escribió:
> I'm trawling for some ideas...
> In GeoTools, now I've added a counter to show how many 
> {Contacts,Leads,Organisations etc.} records have been Geocoded against 
> the total available, it should be obvious now that there should be a 
> way to view all those records that *aren't* Geocoded so you can work 
> out why...
> Originally I was going to add a simple bool field to the module (via 
> VTLIB) when the admin enabled a module for Geocoding. This would then 
> be a simple exercise for the admi to create their own filter based on 
> the value of that field.
> However, I have a nagging reticence about adding fields to a user's 
> system where I might not have to.
> It's a very simple SQL query to retrieve all the not-deleted $module$ 
> records that do not have a corresponding crmid in the _geotools table.
> But the question is, how can I "present" that as a normal filter? I 
> don't think I can...
> I "could" make a customised ListView layout and provide access via the 
> GeoTools settings area, but I suspect any business larger than a 
> handful of users will not want the admin to spend days going through 
> hundreds of records tidying up addresses; it's definately a non-admin 
> task.
> So, has anyone got any suggestions as to how this could be done? So 
> far GeoTools hasn't required *any* core hacks. I want to keep it that 
> way.
> PS: Anyone with better knowledge of VT6, will this be easier/harder to 
> do in a module for VT6. If it will be much easier then I may just wait 
> and work on migrating GeoTools to VT6 as it is...
> Cheers
> Al
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