[Vtigercrm-developers] VT6 Listview no total record count

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Nov 22 12:02:53 GMT 2013

On 22/11/13 11:54, Mani Kumar wrote:
> Alan,
> Regarding page jump feature, we felt it is not a very common operation,
> and felt it didn't deserve top level real estate. Hence, we pushed it
> down 1 click, to make the top level more efficient and bring list view
> as far top as possible.

I don't really understand that.

Surely, if you replaced the icon in between the two page arrows with a 
text field to display the current, and allow changing of, the page 
number, it wouldn't make any difference to the height of the page nor 
use any more real estate?


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