[Vtigercrm-developers] Bugs etc - Was password vs accessKey

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 07:03:50 UTC 2013

On 09/04/13 23:12, John Crisp wrote:
> Even worse is the knock on effect of this. I've recently taken on the
> job of getting SME Server (www.contribs.org) on the rails a bit more,
> and we could really do with an updated easy install for a CRM but would
> I recommend vTiger outside of my own use ???
> At the minute I would find it hard to say yes myself. And people who I
> have spoken too have said they would prefer to use that 'other' crm.


I wouldn't go that far. We have *lots* of happy customers using vtiger 
CRM and in the main "it just works".

Do remember that this is a developer list so the stuff that gets talked 
about on here is generally tricky.

If someone wants to do normal CRM stuff, today I would say vtiger is the 
best open source product there is. Sugar isn't open source, it is open 
core, OpenERP (which we also work with) is a much more comprehensive 
product but as a CRM it sucks in terms of usability.

There are others sure, and some interesting new ones in development but 
today, vtiger is the best open source CRM product in our opinion and 
generally does just work..

> As I said, vTiger is great, and I love it. It could be so much greater....

+1 to that.



PS: We recently migrated a customer from, probably world's biggest CRM 
solution, Salesforce.com *to* vtiger and the customer felt that vtiger 
was comparable in terms of features and usability. (And just fyi it's 
quite a big system with approaching a million records)

Libertus Solutions

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