[Vtigercrm-developers] [VTiger 6] Question about: Activity Types widget in module Calendar

Rietz, Artur a.rietz at opensaas.pl
Thu Apr 4 07:42:20 UTC 2013


I've seen new widget in VT6 Calendar, called" Activity Types, I was kinda
interested in using it but suprisingly it is not flexible widget :/
Why while you have been planning this widget, and realising it from the
beggining you didnt assume that someone might want to add new field, or new
module, or another module or another field to this particular widget ? Why
you do not use any table, any array, maybe new uitype anything configurable
to choose what fields/modules should be visible there ? Was it so hard to
realise that it might be useful ?

Instead of this we can see something like:

part of source code:

> <label class="checkbox">
> <input type="checkbox" data-calendar-sourcekey="ProjectTask"
> data-calendar-feed="ProjectTask" data-calendar-feed-css="fc-event-style8">
> <span class="label fc-event-style8">{vtranslate('SINGLE_ProjectTask',
> 'ProjectTask')}</span>
> </label>

<label class="checkbox">

<input type="checkbox" data-calendar-sourcekey="Contacts_Birthday"
> data-calendar-feed="Contacts" data-calendar-feed-css="fc-event-style6"
> data-custom-data='{ldelim}"fieldname":"birthday"{rdelim}' />

<span class="label fc-event-style6">{vtranslate('LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY',
> $MODULE)}</span>


Don't you think that for now this wigdet is not fully working for the
developers ?

Regards, Rietz Artur
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