[Vtigercrm-developers] Lazy question on webservices.

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 08:07:46 PDT 2012

On 21/09/12 15:34, Adam Heinz wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Alan Lord <alanslists-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> Yes, it didn't seem to make any difference in the UI at all.
> Really?  That's what I was used to in 5.2, where there are readonly
> code that didn't work.  I haven't had a chance to play with it myself
> in 5.3, but when I did the merge, I saw a lot of changes around
> readonly fields.  I am hard-pressed to believe that it doesn't work.

Yep - I recall seeing the column in vtiger_field before and playing with 
it but failing to see any difference whatsoever when setting it ("0" 
seems to be "On" in this case as all fields by default are set to "1").

> How divergent is this code base from stock?

Very little. It's stock 5.4.0 with quite a lot of vtlib custom modules 
but almost zero intrusive modifications; only ones I can think of are to 
stop vtiger dying because of .svn or symlinks, and a new theme.

When I was writing the OP for this thread I did try setting a field on 
one of my modules to readonly = 0 but it made no difference in the UI. 
(I was logged in as admin... Wonder if that makes a difference? Will go 
and test in a mo).

> Failing that... going out on a limb here.  What about creating a
> second field, identical to the first, that is not displaytype 2, but
> field access is only granted to a special ExternalSystem profile, with
> an aftersave handler to copy the data into the searchable field?
> Seems like going around your ass to get to your elbow, but it just
> might work.

Ewwww - I think I'd rather try and hack the Webservices code so we can 
write to type 2 fields ;-)


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