[Vtigercrm-developers] vtigercrm-developers Digest, Vol 80, Issue 17

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 07:03:46 PDT 2012

On 19/09/12 14:35, Adam Heinz wrote:
> After performing both of these halves, we did a full test regression,
> consuming 1-2 weeks of QA personnel each time.  If I can give one
> painfully learned piece of advice after two years of this situation,
> it's to use vtlib to write your own modules from scratch, and avoid
> editing core modules whenever possible.  Use event handlers when
> possible to change behavior of core classes.


We have recently migrated a customer that has a heavily modified vtiger 
5.2.1, that works more like a full-blown ERP system, to 5.4.0.

It isn't easy but sitting on an old code base for too long is just 
asking for trouble in the long run... It will become harder and harder 
to maintain and eventually you won't have a (safe) server to run it on.

I would add to Adam's comments that once you have done the migration 
once, e.g. 5.2.1 to 5.3.0, even if you had to port some modified core 
code, it gets easier the next time round and you may find some of the 
hacks are no longer necessary as well.

Meld is a fantastic tool for helping this process (three way full 
directory comparisons :-D )

We noticed significant performance improvements after the upgrade as 
well as numerous bug fixes and feature improvements.

Bite the bullet and start planning.


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