[Vtigercrm-developers] Company details

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 00:19:27 PST 2012

On 07/11/12 18:02, Adam Heinz wrote:
> Neat!  How do you handle stuff like the company logo on the login
> page, or any other situation where you don't have your uitype 10 field
> to tell you which company to use?

We haven't done that, and without logging in I'm not sure how one would 
go about it? Some apache mod_rewrite fu perhaps?.

It is still one vtiger system and one set of records in reality across 
the whole system. But what it does allow, with PDFMaker, is for our 
customer to generate Quotes, Invoices etc. with specific company 
branding. They are a business which trades through three or four 
separate companies but the sales team works across all of them.

As I said before, the last bit I need to do now (starting today in fact) 
is to extend the generation of auto-incrementing record numbers so that 
each Quote, Invoice etc. linked to a particular Company record gets its 
own numbering sequence.

I've a couple of ideas on how to do this but until I start I'm not sure 
how hard this bit is going to be.



> On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Just FYI, we have created a "Company" module in vtlib with fields for
>> Logo and other company details like bank, VAT etc. We then added UI type
>> 10 fields to Quotes, Invoices, Sales Orders etc. This was really for the
>> ability to do "multi-company" trading but as it is a vtlib mode it is
>> very easy to edit and add new fields etc. This might be a way to get
>> what you need without hacking the core ;-)
>> Having said that, I am just about to embark on the final leg of this one
>> - modifying the auto-numbering of Invoices so each "Company" has it's
>> own sequence...
>> Cheers
>> Al
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