[Vtigercrm-developers] csv Import Issue???

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Tue May 22 08:53:54 PDT 2012

Have you activated debug logging during the import?  You should be 
getting an SQL insert error there, most probably on the custom field 
table or some similar error.

El 22/05/12 17:45, Alan Lord (News) escribió:
> Hi all,
> I am using Talend to do some data manipulation and create csv files for
> several modules of vtiger.
> I have been happy so far with Accounts. They have worked fine and I
> imported 11,000 account records satisfactorily.
> On Contacts however something is just plain weird...
> Even if I just export the dozen or so demo-data contact records from
> vtiger and attempt to re-import the same csv file I get the horrible,
> and frankly useless, error of:
> "Record you are trying to access is not found. Go Back."
> Clicking on the "Go Back" link causes Firefox to pop up a warning then
> you have to be quick to get to a cancel operation button or else you end
> up back at the error page above. It's a bit of a mess frankly.
> I have used vtlib to modify the Account and Contact modules to add some
> new blocks&  fields but nothing seems to be a problem during normal use.
> Anyone got any suggestions about how I should go about debugging a csv
> import problem?
> Thanks
> Al
> Also, as a side note, I notice that there is no way to import the
> "modified date" (which is a PITA). I have imported the created date OK
> on the Accounts module but the modified date field isn't visible in the
> import mapping table.

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