[Vtigercrm-developers] product options

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Tue May 1 00:03:04 PDT 2012

On 30/04/12 22:24, Adam Heinz wrote:
> I'm making good progress on a prototype that allows rows in a related
> module to be edited as part of the normal edit view.  I have created
> new RelatedEditView.tpl and RelatedEditViewUI.tpl (inspired by /
> cribbed from ProductDetailsEditView.tpl and EditViewUI.tpl
> respectively) to allow me to have the following module hierarchy: an
> order has a number of parts, each part is a product + additional
> attributes.  This new parts module takes the place of
> inventoryproductrel.

Hey Adam,

That sounds very encouraging!

I had a new enquiry yesterday with another use case for this feature...

The customer wanted to add a "cost price" and "margin" (auto calculated) 
fields to the product module and have these displayed when they are 
creating quotes (So they can see line-by-line, and as a total, the 
margin on a deal). Obviously these extra fields are not to be printed on 
the quote pdf ;-)

In this case the extra fields do [should?] not need to be edited when 
building a Quote/Sales Order/Invoice. (A good use of the new "Read Only" 
field feature in Profiles perhaps?)

I thought this was a good example of a use case and is also something we 
have done with OpenERP implementations.



Libertus Solutions

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